
Albenga, the city of a hundred towers

It is a tourist and agricultural town, famous for its ancient history dating back to Roman times and to give the table three of the best Ligurian products: the violet asparagus of Albenga, slow food garrison, the artichoke of Albenga and the tomato heart of ox.

Walking through the streets of the old town you can still glimpse the walls, if you enter you rediscover the main streets that traced the plant and historical remains such as the baptistery of the early Christian era. But above all, if you come from the sea or from the Via Aurelia, you can recognize from afar the medieval towers, which rise against the sky.

In one of these, the Civic Museum of Albenga. Albenga looks like a peninsula: the estuary of the river Centa projects it towards the sea and makes it a springboard. On windy days the bay that opens on the island of Gallinara is ideal for those who love to surf. Off the coast of this bay, a Roman onerous ship was found and the vases found are kept in the Roman Naval Museum. Alongside the traces of history, you can enjoy the wonders of the Riviera: long golden sandy beaches, restaurants serving excellent fresh fish and clubs to live your summer evenings.

Albenga, with its hamlet of Salea and the hinterland, is also one of the capitals of DOC wine: here the Pigato grape variety is born, the ideal accompaniment for a fish dish. The annual event held in Salea is dedicated to Pigato and the DOC wines of Liguria (Source