
A jewel a few steps from the sea

Finalborgo, one of the "most beautiful villages in Italy", is a jewel a few steps from the sea that enchants with its atmosphere of yesteryear. The name derives from Burgum Finarii, borderland (ad fines) in Roman times and administrative center of the marquisate of Del Carretto between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Enclosed between medieval walls still well preserved, interspersed with semicircular towers and interrupted only at the doors, the village of Finale (so called to distinguish it from the Navy) immediately offers visitors a feeling of protection and recollection. The ancient defensive and communal concept survives in the network of streets, arranged perpendicularly to each other to form fascinating views in limited spaces. After passing through the narrow alleys, each square is a conquest and a surprise, able to exhibit wonders in the "stone of the Final", the slate that adorns doors, is shaped into columns, diamonds, ornaments.

The historic centre of Finalborgo, the ancient Burgum Fiunarii, for several centuries the capital of the Marquisate and administrative centre of Finale, stands in a strategic position on the alluvial plain at the confluence of the Pora and Aquila streams.

The origin of the village has always been traced back to the end of the twelfth century, to the time of the Marquis Henry the Guercio, but recent important archaeological discoveries seem to backdate its foundation by a few centuries.    
With the surrounding walls (destroyed in 1448 and rebuilt in 1452), the various "doors":  Porta Reale (1702, next to which you can see a large coat of arms in relief of Del Carretto), Porta Romana, Porta Testa (1452) and Porta Mezzaluna (higher towards Forte San Giovanni), the semicircular towers that interrupted the walls at times (the most beautiful is visible on the south side), the village retains the characteristics of a fortified town in its fifteenth-century structure, after the destruction caused by the war with Genoa (1448). The fifteenth-century and Renaissance palaces, modified during the Spanish domination, embellish the urban fabric.

  • Palazzo del Municipio, originally owned by the Ricci family, is one of the best examples of early Renaissance architecture in Liguria;
  • Palazzo Cavassola (which housed Pius VII, illustrates the decorative concepts of the late seventeenth century) and Palazzo Gallesio in Via Gallesio;
  • Palazzo Brunengo in Piazza Aicardi is characterized by the double arched loggia (Loggia del Ramondo) and the large family coat of arms now little visible;
  • Palazzo del Tribunale in the square of the same name (formerly home to the Del Carretto family, then the Spanish and Genoese Governors, the District Court, and finally the Magistrate's Court), the facade already denounces the complex transformations undergone in various eras;
  • Palazzo Messea and Palazzo Arnaldi (a splendid example of a façade in Baroque style, enlivened by extraordinary stuccoes) in the same square;
  • Palazzo Chiazzari in Piazzetta Doria.